I send infrequent newsletters about tech , product, and poetry

Author: indiaadmin

  • Kaise

    A very short and simple poem written by poetess Aakriti. It is titled Kaise ,this poem is meant to be listened and absorbed slowly ,word by word,para by para. It slowly and slowly grows on you

  • You are still here

    A few weeks back I got a chance to give voice over to a very special poem “You are still here”. It was a poem /Lullaby written by a girl for her Grandmother who had passed away. Its a very heart touching poem and every word just feels like her love pouring out for her…

  • The Great American Road trip

    How three guys travelled 3300 miles to realize what they were looking for was always around them. A journey from east to west coast of US..Come be a part

  • 8 PM Rape in gurgaon –Letter from men

    Dear Gurgaon administration, Today I have been informed that you have banned women from working beyond 8:00 PM to stop them from being raped. I write this letter in extreme delight and want to commend you on your fantastic work . I want to thank you for clearing a lot of misconceptions we men folks…

  • PAPa

    एक बेटी की अपने स्वर्गवासी पिता को लिखी एक चिठ्ठी बेटी:सुधा जोशी

  • Kabuliwala by Rabindranath Tagore

    Kabuliwala ,Story of a beutiful friendship of a street vendor and a litlle girl mini. A story that is part of childhood of many.Here I present an audio of this classic

  • 30 days challenge

    Finished my 30 ay challenge to blog/write poetry/record every day for 30 days consecutively

  • My problem with culture

    The problem of godifying our ancestors. What if some of them were morons ? Can you imagine we will be someones ancestor someday and whatever stupid things we do do might become tradition.

  • Tough love

    Facebook comments angers dad to drive 7 bullets through daugher’s Laptop. A lesson or bad parenting

  • Loren ipsum–What to write when you have nothing to write

    What to write when you have nothing to write