I send infrequent newsletters about tech , product, and poetry



I am Madhur Chadha, and this is my personal blog where I write about everything from poetry, to tech, and to product management. This blog has evolved as I have and leans towards whatever is most interesting in my life at any given point of time.

If you landed here because you know me as a youtuber / RJ/ or a poet, the best way to see my work would be my Youtube

If you know me as a Product manager, then Twitter is the place to connect.

What do I do for a living: Sadly, no I am not a full-time poet or a blogger. I am a Product Management professional, currently working for Google . Prior to that I have worked for likes of Uber, Flock, and Microsoft (My Linkedin)

There is a high likelihood that you have used at-least one of the products I have helped build 🙂

A long long time go when I was writing my LinkedIn Bio, I wanted to summarise my professional passion in one line, and I wrote  “I love connecting people via digital means” . This was before I was into Product Management,mbefore Google, before Uber, Before Flock, before Microsoft, before Cognizant….It is funny how things fall into place

Apart from my day job, I used to  host a radio segment Alfaaz ,dedicated to poetry on an online radio channel called MeraSangeet

What Else: I used to consult/help a few NGOs and a Few Startups in Online presence. I have setup websites, trained people, helped them in marketing, created marketing collaterals such as videos ,posters, mission statements and Logos.

At ISB I led the marketing activities for iDiya: National Social venture contest and created marketing collateral for some of the biggest events.

I have also worked in creating long-term vision ,organizational structure and communication channel for NGOs

Some more: I was a shy kid and could not speak in front of more than 3 people. Over the years, due to parental support, some awesome teachers and loads of  luck, I was able to overcome this  fear of mine and reach a level I thought was not possible for me.

I compered for college festivals (main compere), won inter college national level debates, Group Discussions, extempores and even became an RJ . I started passing out the techniques that helped me overcome stage fright to people who needed it.

It was incorporated as part of Lead India 2020 training program(I am a Youth leader since 2006) and I have personally trained over 300 students on it with encouraging results.


39 responses to “About”

  1. Rahul Avatar

    Hey Friend! This is the first time I visited your blog and I found it marvelous…Great work! I must thank youtube which provided me the link your space…Keep it up!
    P.S.- Your song was susperb “Nostalgia-an ode to the college life and friends”…Visit mine @ rahulmyzone.blogspot.com

    1. madhurchadha Avatar

      Thank you so much…:) I am Glad you Liked it

  2. Tarun Gupta Avatar

    HEy! dude r u by any chance from ITM college in Gurgaon??
    In the poem Nostalgia,u mention kaun mujhe “greenwood” mein Slice pilaega..
    Just eager..

    1. madhurchadha Avatar

      Yes Tarun, I am from ITM GGN 2006 batch

  3. Sudhir Avatar

    Where r the cricketers whom whole nation supported. Shame they cant support the national cause. They cant even give a single statement. . Carry on anna

    1. madhurchadha Avatar

      yes i beleive they should speak up

    2. Israfil Reza Avatar

      Its really shame and its high time that we should stop giving the cricketers too much importance. They are selfish and not even a single have come to support the cause.

  4. jatin Avatar

    Hi madhur .. Every time i listen “Someday”, it Gives me more Confidence nd Motivation..great work

    1. madhurchadha Avatar

      Thanks Jatin..i am glad i am able to help 🙂

  5. Israfil Reza Avatar

    What has anna given us is a complete sense of patriotism and brotherhood. This has to be preserved in our blood.

    1. madhurchadha Avatar

      you are very right my friend

  6. shriram manohar sathe Avatar
    shriram manohar sathe

    I thought, I would BETTER MEET Shri Anna Hazareji Once Again to have tete-a-tete for I would be interested to work with great Annaji 1 to 1 Basis,if He so desires,After Our One More Meeting.Please Confirm The Status per Return Directly Or Through SUMUKH KHEDKAR,whom Annaji Knows Ver
    y Well Personally,Regards, Ram Sathejg

    1. madhurchadha Avatar

      Hi Shriram ji
      Here are the contact details of anna ji

      At Post –
      Ralegan Siddhi,

      Tal –

      Maharashtra, India.

      [email protected]
      [email protected]
      [email protected]
      [email protected]

      Fax- 91 – 02488 – 240581

  7. ankit Avatar

    respected sir….i m nt so mch dfrnt frm u bt nt so mch as like u….me also a b.tech student…fond of wrtng poems jst lyk u…sir may i snd ma poem to u with ur voice i want bck ma frnds….sir i hvnt any website so plzzzz rply me… m wtng….rply me on ma cntct no 9354911216 sir plzzz i also msng maa frnds,,,,,:):(

  8. ankit Avatar

    sir may i get ur persnl cntct no???

  9. Smit Mehta Avatar

    Hey madhur,
    Just wanted to say that your latest ‘letter’ to the Gurgaon administration was a brave piece of sarcasm which truly reflected the biased behavior of the Government.No other form of action but these, could surely be the best tool to mock on them.Felt happy on reading it. Btw, i have a blog too by name, potboilers.blogspot.com
    Do visit it when you have enough time and feel free to voice your opinion. Will be glad to have your participation in every little way that you can

    1. madhurchadha Avatar

      Thank you Smit,
      Glad you liked my work. I hope that the administration is listening.
      Will surely check out your blog

  10. Anunoy Samanta Avatar

    your recitations are too captivating buddy… apne humhe fan bana liye… cheers! 🙂

    1. madhurchadha Avatar

      Aha ..:)
      Thank you so much Anunoy ,glad you liked my work

  11. Cdt. Prateek Vats Avatar
    Cdt. Prateek Vats

    i really appretiate facebook that somehow got me and you connected…….but i am really here to say that this is the first time am visiting your blog and am just spellbound thay how amazing it is……BRAVO BRAVO

    1. madhurchadha Avatar

      Thank you Prateek 🙂
      Glad you liked my work. I sent some feedback of your work on your email ID. Hope you received it

  12. Romil Shah Avatar
    Romil Shah

    hey pls can i get ur no.?? its really important!!

    1. madhurchadha Avatar

      Hi Romil,
      I sent you an email on your ID.
      Please feel free to revert back to it

      1. ankit Avatar

        madhur sir its ankit,….i have alrdy msgd bt no response frm ur side……sir pls rply …..:):)

  13. sandhya Avatar

    Atlast Mr. real unreasonable is here.i am glad that u did this.must say u r an interesting person and wid all the gud efforts u r sure gonna rock.all d best and keep posting gr8 articles and videos.

    1. madhurchadha Avatar

      hehe..Thanks Sandhya. I hope i am able to continue.
      Will need a lot of support from you all

  14. rajnisinha Avatar

    Madhur couldn’t get to hear my poem on wednessday 20th nor on thursday 21st —-did some problem crop up/

    1. madhurchadha Avatar

      Hi Rajni
      My Bad, due to interviews about kai bo che, the show alfaaz was cancelled last week. I was out of town since 14th hence did not get the info on time and could not inform you. Completly my fault.

      You poem will be up this week(coming wednesday). Also please check the timings of the show “Chat and Chai:” on the merasangeet website,they are being changed slightly. You can even ask that on their facebook page.

      I will let you know the exact time as soon as I get em.

      My apologies for the confusion

  15. Dagny Avatar

    Your introduction is well written. You come across as a person who is down- to -earth. I like that.

    Read a few of your painting posts. Painting isn’t really my thing though.

    Can you guide me to some of your best writing?


    1. Madhur Chadha Avatar

      Thanks a lot Dangy,
      That’s very kind of you:).
      I am not sure what you would like, i generally write and record poetry. Sometimes I write on social issues and sometimes satire.
      You can find the most popular articles on the right side of the page, you can also see various categories..
      If you are interested in poetry, you can see the category poetry
      Some recordings
      Most popular post

      Feel free to look around, would love to hear your comments

      1. Dagny Avatar

        Thank you. I like to read stories… and humor/ satire. I’ll look around.

        Oh by the way, the name is Dag- ny. Rhymes with Rag… which is a undesirable coincidence. 😀


  16. Madhur Chadha Avatar

    Hey Dagny,
    Please accept my sincerest apologies for misspelling your name. I blame the lack of sleep 😛
    I can see that you have commented on some humor posts :)….Glad you liked some of my work

  17. wdtom Avatar

    Per chance I listened to Nostalgia-an ode to the college life and friends.. and it was such a matter of fact recording of those days that most of it covered all our days at RBI during the period 1963 on wards. I am now 67 and other surviving friends( We call our selves Dolts) are above 70. Since I had a few old and forgotten photos that escaped dustbin, that I could not resist using your poem and voice partly as a background to those photos in my short movie for personal use. But my conscience forbids me to use the same without your permission and accordingly I shall be thankful to your good self if you grant the necessary permission to use the recorded poem.I have not changed a single word in it but edited/deleted some paras for which I could not find the supporting photographs.
    I hope you will grant the necessary permission and after that I will upload the movie YouTube for my other Dolt friends to see it.
    Waiting for a response.
    with regards
    god bless you

  18. Kumar Aggarrwal Avatar
    Kumar Aggarrwal

    Hey Madhur …your Poems are awesome…the way you recite them,the background melody…everything is just great,so blissful…just love to hear more and more..Thanx for these lovely poems 🙂

    1. madhurchadha Avatar

      Thank you so much :)..Glad you like my work

  19. ruchi Avatar

    After reading your nostagalia college life poem it reminds me my poem that i wrote few days and your explaination about yourself was also nice itz right that ppl like poetic lines that impress them 😀

    1. madhurchadha Avatar

      Thanks Ruchi..feel free to share your work 🙂

  20. Mrinal Avatar

    Dost, you are basically an asshole.
    You write pathetically, and you think you are some thought leader.
    Just look at this website. yuck!
    Just because AAPtards made one highly stupid and ordinary post of yours a bit popular, you have started thinking that you are next Kejriwal.
    Good luck asshole

    1. admin Avatar

      Thank you for your lovely Comment Mrinal, what flowery language you have.
      Nevertheless, it surprises me that all you could see was one post. I do not blame you though, people tend to see only what they want to see and ignore everything else. Sad part is that you did not even care to read the about me page(which is the page you commented) or bother to see all other links strewn across this site. You even ignored the fact that the alleged article is not even the most read article on the site (Tip, they are on top of EVERY page)…
      Nevertheless, thanks for your wishes…and all the best with your life “Dost”

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