I am Madhur Chadha, and this is my personal blog where I write about everything from poetry, to tech, and to product management. This blog has evolved as I have and leans towards whatever is most interesting in my life at any given point of time.
If you landed here because you know me as a youtuber / RJ/ or a poet, the best way to see my work would be my Youtube
If you know me as a Product manager, then Twitter is the place to connect.
What do I do for a living: Sadly, no I am not a full-time poet or a blogger. I am a Product Management professional, currently working for Google . Prior to that I have worked for likes of Uber, Flock, and Microsoft (My Linkedin)
There is a high likelihood that you have used at-least one of the products I have helped build 🙂
A long long time go when I was writing my LinkedIn Bio, I wanted to summarise my professional passion in one line, and I wrote “I love connecting people via digital means” . This was before I was into Product Management,mbefore Google, before Uber, Before Flock, before Microsoft, before Cognizant….It is funny how things fall into place
Apart from my day job, I used to  host a radio segment Alfaaz ,dedicated to poetry on an online radio channel called MeraSangeet
What Else: I used to consult/help a few NGOs and a Few Startups in Online presence. I have setup websites, trained people, helped them in marketing, created marketing collaterals such as videos ,posters, mission statements and Logos.
At ISB I led the marketing activities for iDiya: National Social venture contest and created marketing collateral for some of the biggest events.
I have also worked in creating long-term vision ,organizational structure and communication channel for NGOs
Some more: I was a shy kid and could not speak in front of more than 3 people. Over the years, due to parental support, some awesome teachers and loads of  luck, I was able to overcome this  fear of mine and reach a level I thought was not possible for me.
I compered for college festivals (main compere), won inter college national level debates, Group Discussions, extempores and even became an RJ . I started passing out the techniques that helped me overcome stage fright to people who needed it.
It was incorporated as part of Lead India 2020 training program(I am a Youth leader since 2006) and I have personally trained over 300 students on it with encouraging results.
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