–People foolishly keep tellingΒ you why you should vote for AAP? Let me tell you why you should not vote for AAP
1. Sab chor hain:
Obliviously , everyone who is even remotely connected to politics is a thief. How can anyone even think of entering politics if they do not want to make some quick buck?. Obviously Arvind Kejriwal and all Aam Aadmi party members are just crooks, even though there is no proof yet but you know it.
And hence you better vote for known crooks. A BJP with 30% of its elected representatives with criminal cases or a congress with 21% is anyday a better choice than AAP with 0% criminal Cases
2.Aisa hi hota hai, aisa hi hoga.
Yes you are right, Nothing can really change , so why waste your precious time on AAP. AAP cannot really change the system, so lets save them time and money and keep them from trying. Who the heck are they anyways to think about change? Have they not heard “Aisa hi hota hai”
Hence you should vote for Congress or a BJP rather than AAP, even though AAP has taken out time to understand the local problems, created specific manifestos, created rules to identify and root out any corruption from within .That never helps, it’s all Bogus. At least a BJP or a Congress is transparent enough to not even make an effort.
3. OOOh Foreign Funding:
Oh some foreigner contributed a few dollars to them. They must be funded by Anti-Indian countries to destabilize the pious parties of India. Come on who are they kidding?, who can fight elections without 100s or crores of illegal funding?.And did you know our Pious government has received a lot of “Private” Complaints regarding their funding and is investigating it. Have you even heard of such a thing with congress or BJP these days
Hence do not vote for AAP , even though they have been SO damn transparent as to release the name of every single donor on their website. So what, remember point 1, Sab Chor hain.
4.What do they know about running a government?:
Exactly, what the heck do they know? A Raja bhaiyya , a Lalu Yadav are much more experienced and smarter. AAP has No experience you see.Could they have managed complex deals like 2G or Coal Gate? NO
So you must not Vote for AAP, a better option would be congress because Rahul Gandhi has politics in his GENES. It’s all genetic you see. Even though qualifications , achievements and education Β of many AAP members is something enviable, they do not have the genes. What do they know?
So here are the top 4 reasons for NOT VOTING for AAP. If you believe in any of these, you better not vote.
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