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4 reasons to not vote for Aam Aadmi Party

–People foolishly keep tellingΒ  you why you should vote for AAP? Let me tell you why you should not vote for AAP

1. Sab chor hain:

Obliviously , everyone who is even remotely connected to politics is a thief. How can anyone even think of entering politics if they do not want to make some quick buck?. Obviously Arvind Kejriwal and all Aam Aadmi party members are just crooks, even though there is no proof yet but you know it.

And hence you better vote for known crooks. A BJP with 30% of its elected representatives with criminal cases or a congress with 21% is anyday a better choice than AAP with 0% criminal Cases


2.Aisa hi hota hai, aisa hi hoga.

Yes you are right, Nothing can really change , so why waste your precious time on AAP. AAP cannot really change the system, so lets save them time and money and keep them from trying. Who the heck are they anyways to think about change? Have they not heard “Aisa hi hota hai”

Hence you should vote for Congress or a BJP rather than AAP, even though AAP has taken out time to understand the local problems, created specific manifestos, created rules to identify and root out any corruption from within .That never helps, it’s all Bogus. At least a BJP or a Congress is transparent enough to not even make an effort.

3. OOOh Foreign Funding:

Oh some foreigner contributed a few dollars to them. They must be funded by Anti-Indian countries to destabilize the pious parties of India. Come on who are they kidding?, who can fight elections without 100s or crores of illegal funding?.And did you know our Pious government has received a lot of “Private” Complaints regarding their funding and is investigating it. Have you even heard of such a thing with congress or BJP these days

Hence do not vote for AAP , even though they have been SO damn transparent as to release the name of every single donor on their website. So what, remember point 1, Sab Chor hain.


4.What do they know about running a government?:

Exactly, what the heck do they know? A Raja bhaiyya , a Lalu Yadav are much more experienced and smarter. AAP has No experience you see.Could they have managed complex deals like 2G or Coal Gate? NO

So you must not Vote for AAP, a better option would be congress because Rahul Gandhi has politics in his GENES. It’s all genetic you see. Even though qualifications , achievements and education Β of many AAP members is something enviable, they do not have the genes. What do they know?

So here are the top 4 reasons for NOT VOTING for AAP. If you believe in any of these, you better not vote.






  1. Manish Kutaula Avatar

    the article is ridiculous because all the points of author shows his negative mentality and disruption doesnot happen thinking such things, although i agree with point 4 which is completely valid and very important point but for first 3 points i want to say to the author:"dude you are the reason india is still a developing country. either shut your mouth, watch the show or show some signs of mature mindset !"

    1. Random Avatar

      One word…sarcasm…and you didn’t get it dude!

      1. Gaurav Avatar

        Arvind Kejriwal…ki na koi Aukat thi…Aur na kabhi ban payegi…AAP is just another effort of Congress to keep themselves into power despite all their Scams and Fraudulent Practices….U guys will see how time will prove my Point …cz U guys do not seem to understand after seeing what has been done to Delhi Elections…
        Agar Isko Delhi ki janta aur system ki itni fikra hoti to yeh Indian Election ke peeche Dilli ko chorh ke nahi bhagta…
        Its a shame how Foolish people can be.

    2. Bhagat Avatar

      Manish, Author meant it sarcastically man. Author is a supporter of AAP and is ridiculing some of the lamest arguments put forth by Cong-BJP supporters and fence-sitters.

    3. Arushi Avatar

      Hats off! I’m going to send this link to all my friends who say AAP won’t make it. Indeed a very well written article! πŸ™‚
      also, it’s very sad to see how so many people don’t get sarcasm..

      1. admin Avatar

        Thanks Arushi πŸ™‚
        Yeaaa..MANY people didn’t get it…Facing a lot of heat for that

    4. Siddharth Avatar

      I don’t think the article gives a fresh outlook towards the existing situation. However, the hint of sarcasm is fresh and leaves its mark. Well presented.

    5. Kaushik Mohanraj Avatar
      Kaushik Mohanraj

      Sarcasam at his best…Its in good interest of #AAP

      1. admin Avatar

        Thanks Kaushik πŸ™‚

    6. Janesh verma Avatar

      Hi All.
      this article is relevant and to the point about the truth of AAP party.
      These days in election campaigning they spent crores of ruppies more than any party and telling people that they don’t have money.We all no that it not essay to arrange the LCD TV and telecasting his live speech in every street of Delhi.It is also true that reducing the half price of electricity bill for any government is almost impossible. Arvind kejriwal only made false commitment to the people for lime light.Arivnd kejriwal does not have any plan and policy to redude electricity bill or doing any improvement in Delhi.Seat at home or do anything except giving your vote to AAP.

  2. Kiran George Avatar

    Clearly, sarcasm is not for everybody.

  3. Mahesh Ranjan Avatar

    Bro,The topic is actually sarcastic.Hence if u get it,u should not agree with any of the above reasons.

  4. Ravindra Tripathi Avatar
    Ravindra Tripathi

    What I don't understand is holier than thou attitude of AAP. out of 70 candidates it fielded for Delhi, lot of them had association with either BJP or Congress. So when they are in AAP, they are no more corrupt.

    Also according to AAP MCD is corrupt and then they went on to induct a former Delhi mayor in their party, I guess after joining AAP he/she is no longer corrupt.

    Secondly at the point#4. I just counted the number of people with Intermediate or less education background and the number comes to 19.(Source: http://delhi.aamaadmiparty.org/Delhi-Elections-2013/CandidateList).Not all candidates have mentioned their Education background, I guess the number of such candidates is around 10.
    So more than 30% of candidates with declared education background are less educated than a Lalu Yadav( Number would be more, as he is a post graduate in Political science and I only counted Intermediate or less).

    Don't think I am supporting Lalu or his likes. I am completely disenchanted with Indian political class/system. In my opinion AAP is no different from any BJP or Congress.

    1. Anvit Tawar Avatar
      Anvit Tawar

      Please read my answer on Quora.


      Do you still think AAP is “no different” ? Please don’t be oblivious to the change.

  5. Sameer Dubey Avatar

    Brilliant Sarcasm ..

  6. Aditya Gupta Avatar
    Aditya Gupta

    But author did not suggest whom to vote and why? Or Author indirectly suggesting to use NOTA option.

    1. AMBRISH NIGAM Avatar

      “NATO”…. the election decides the future of the Nation and the future of the citizens… If NATO is a decisive factor.. if NATO, leads to debar of candidate and its Political Party debar from contesting that seat.. If NATO leads to Re Poll and all the expenses to be borne by the candidates last contested.. its good to opt for NATO…

      But what NATO means..

      Nothing.. only it is the no. of voters who participated the election..

      It reduces the %age of voter the winner gets….. does it make sense that..

      NATO 55
      1. 14
      2. 12
      3. 10
      4. 09

      If 55% did not participated.. the winner gets 33%.. AND IF 55% vote “NATO” winner gets 14%… in both the cases, it is open to screw the system..

      But what it makes not to vote or vote as NATO….

      If you are a professional / in service with a 30 Years as service life.. you have wasted 16% of your life.. If you are a student.. (graduate onwards)…. you have wasted 80% of your life. If you are a senior citizen.. you have wasted 16% of your life.. If you are youth looking out for your earnings.. (employment / establishment phase) you have wasted 50% of your life… … ? Think about it….for Educated class only……… Literate Class : Please excuse me… and I apologize of wasting the time of literates.

  7. Milind Singh Avatar
    Milind Singh

    "AAP is perhaps no better than BJP/congress, therefore we should go for BJP/congress" – weak argument.

    1. db Avatar

      its a sarcasm dude !!

  8. Milind Singh Avatar
    Milind Singh

    "AAP is perhaps no better than BJP/Congress, there we should go for NOTA" – makes sense

  9. Guy Avatar

    I get the point of this being sarcasm but..really a rather poorly written and quite unfunny piece.

    1. aakash garg Avatar
      aakash garg

      brilliant shivam,and if anyone dont know the meaning of sarcasm..toh hindi mein ise” “vyang”kehte hain…….nw plz try again..its very nicely written

  10. Adharshila Learning Centre Avatar

    Sarcasm is lost in Indian politics.

  11. Vishesh Tayal Avatar
    Vishesh Tayal

    Yes, so please dont vote for AAP because BJP ran the most corrupt municipality in the country or because AAP has taken some people from BJP/Congress, because we Indians are so foolish that we dont understand that even of the establishments/parties/institutions are corrupt doesnt mean all workers on these organizations are corrupt. We Indians lack common sense, and hence deserve to be governed by corrupt politicians.

  12. alka narula Avatar

    Though top 3 points are true but i don’t give it my weightage but 4th one is a valid point, ….and to top it up do we want to see a statesman with a JHARU (broom) in his hand , its simply disgusting , extreme of street politics !

  13. Sesha Phani Avatar
    Sesha Phani

    awesome buddy, you summarized it for me so I didnt had to take more time supporting AAP which already takes more than 2 hrs on average everyday! Thank you so much

    1. admin Avatar

      Glad πŸ˜€

  14. Amit Avatar

    less sarcasm, more emotional qutiyapa. Author should talk logics to the current generation. why would any foreign agency fund a political party of India if not for any vested interests. It’s like buying an IPO of a promising firm. you buy coz u want to earn from it in future.

  15. Rajiv Avatar

    Either the author got some money from BJP or Congress or he is seeking website traffic. Dude please you are son of bitch believe me

    1. admin Avatar

      Ahhh..What a lovely comment I must say…Thank you
      Anyways On an unrelated note..Look at this link at your leisure

  16. Akshat Srivastava Avatar

    Very well written… Even i m not a delhi voter still i m supporting AAP

  17. Omkar Deekonda Avatar

    Aditya Gupta Actually, He did. It is AAP. Sense the sarcasm in it !

  18. Omkar Deekonda Avatar

    Read the article again buddy. Sense the sarcasm in it !

  19. Mr Unreasonable Avatar

    Thanks Sameer πŸ™‚

  20. Mr Unreasonable Avatar

    The amount of time i have to spend to explain to people

  21. Ravindra Tripathi Avatar
    Ravindra Tripathi

    Omkar Deekonda no got that:) reply was after reading that only

  22. Omkar Deekonda Avatar

    Ravindra Tripathi Education doesn't guarantee honesty. Candidates should be honest, understand the problems and have the zeal to solve them.(MLAs/MPs will have enough number of Bureaucrats with them to understand the technicalities of the problem and elegant solutions for solving the problems) If a person worked with BJP or Congress doesn't mean he is inevitably corrupt. We have seen Congress and BJP parties ruling this country which was not up to the mark. AAP has come up with some hope, let's give them a chance to rule a state and see how they do it. We should be or find an alternative for corrupt system. There is not point saying we don't want any kind of system.

  23. Nimit Kaul Avatar

    SO what you mean to say is instead of giving a chance to someone we do not know.. we should let someone who is fucking the city continue.

    I think you have seen the movie Ranjhanna.. I remember one statement made by Dhanush during their campaign..

    "Woh log tumhe 5 saal se chutiya bana rahe hain aur tum abn rahe ho.. Hume ek baar mauka do.. zyada se zyada kya hoga.. hum bhi tumhe 5 saal chutiya bana ke nikal jaaenge.. tumhe kya farak padta hai tumhe woh chutiya banaye nya hum, aakhir mein chutiya toh tum hi banoge. Aur ho yeh bhi sakta hai ki hum kuch acha kar le. Lekin woh jo abhi hai.. woh toh chutiya banaenge hi.."

    I find this statement apt in the current scenario.. the city deserves change.. At the max the condition will remain same.. It cannot go any lower… and moreover tum kar kya loge agar aur kharab hui complaint karne ke siwa.. Instead of opposing change embrace it.. warna dhakke khate raho aur apni marwate raho..

  24. Nimit Kaul Avatar

    He talks about politics in gene… Ohh his fav and most successful actor accordign to him will be Abhishek Bacchhan in this context.. Seriously dude.. If you wanna talk science, talk science and not Shit.. Atleast you chose your name right 'Unreasonable'.

  25. Niharika Avatar

    I have seen the AAP very closely as an analyst. They have the right intention to bring the difference. In my office during lunch the question was asked” who will you vote. out of 4 only 1 was in favour of AAP .Rest still believed in refusal to change and opted for congress and BJP.

  26. Siddharth Yadav Avatar

    wow!!!!! I appreciate the sarcasm giving a tight slap to unworthy politicians.

  27. Vibhor Mathur Avatar
    Vibhor Mathur

    True That Nimit

  28. Suhail Dehalvi Avatar
    Suhail Dehalvi


  29. Chaineet Kaur Avatar

    U are the reason why changes cannot happen and will not.don't pass on your sick pessimist mental faculty to others.i opened the link for some rational thoughts/facts and found a junk of self-inferred conclusions.they are being funded by non indian residents and give dem a benefit of doubt b4 putting allegations and they will surely head the govt better than mr rahul, sum1 wid fake qualifications and lip service to his name.be the change b4 u xpct any change.

  30. Chaineet Kaur Avatar

    On reading the article on 2nd go,i realized the sarcastic tone in it.lol.makes for a gud read.i hope no1 tkes it in literal sense.

  31. Kamal Kanwadia Avatar
    Kamal Kanwadia

    ravindra tripati ji, you need to understand, that not everyone in BJP or congress is corrupt. there are honest people in bjp, congress and other parties. It's just AAP's crusade is against corruption in system. If you want to fight against corrupt system, AAP will welcome you with open arms, if you have any corruption charge against you, you will be terminated from AAP. I am sure you are not aware of the prerequisites to contest for AAP…NO special treatment, no Security, no special CAR, If you have a house in delhi, no Govt provided house. And trust me, if you are just a poser to be a honest man, Being in AAP will make your life hell.

  32. Kamal Kanwadia Avatar
    Kamal Kanwadia

    ravindra tripati ji, you need to understand, that not everyone in BJP or congress is corrupt. there are honest people in bjp, congress and other parties. It's just AAP's crusade is against corruption in system. If you want to fight against corrupt system, AAP will welcome you with open arms, if you have any corruption charge against you, you will be terminated from AAP. I am sure you are not aware of the prerequisites to contest for AAP…NO special treatment, no Security, no special CAR, If you have a house in delhi, no Govt provided house. And trust me, if you are just a poser to be a honest man, Being in AAP will make your life hell.

  33. Mr Unreasonable Avatar

    Chaineet Kaur πŸ˜€ Great ..You got it..Read some comments ..Many people are still not getting it

  34. Mr Unreasonable Avatar

    Thanks buddy πŸ™‚

  35. Yash Kataruka Avatar
    Yash Kataruka

    Nimit Kaul: Dude, the author is being sarcastic!

  36. Mr Unreasonable Avatar

    Yash Kataruka ..Thank you πŸ™‚

  37. Deepanshu Avatar

    Mr Unreasonable Or whosoever you are.. Do care..





  38. Ankesh Ankit Avatar

    hm aam aadmi ki party hai……ab aam aadmi karorpati hai to hm kya kare….aam aadmi honda city se ghumta hai to isme hamara hath nhi hai….aam aadmi ka delhi me flat aur jamin hai to hm kya kare…

  39. Saavan Revoor Avatar

    Pros defined well πŸ™‚

  40. Jaspreet Singh Avatar

    1. Sab chor hain:
    ABSOLUTELY WRONG. The right version is ZYadatar Chor Hain. Thank the god that there are still honest people present around in the system and Aravind Kejriwal happens to be one of them.

    2.Aisa hi hota hai, aisa ho hoga.
    ABSOLUTELY WRONG. The right version is Aisa hi hota hai, agey se nahi hone denge. Thank your good fortunes that there are still men of action present in the society who are ready to take the onus and responsibility and bring about change in the system.

    Other wise if it is for the bigger parties yours and my asses would have been sold of for a meager amount of money.

    3.OOOh Foreign Funding:
    GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT. The courts have asked ALL political parties INCLUDING BJP and CONGRESS to disclose the details(30 questions to be precise) about their respective foreign funding. So dude again start reading stuff before you write such stupid comments.

    4. What do they know about running a government?
    TRUE AND FALSE BOTH:- True they have never been a part of the political domain of the government, but don't forget the Aravind Kejriwal was an Income Tax commisioner(IAS) and any man who can clear an IAS exam is well qualified to run a government. In fact just so u should know the governments are run by IAS's and IFS's.

    My advice to you: THINK BEFORE YOU WRITE.

  41. Prashob PS Avatar

    google for "sarcasm"

  42. Tapan Gandhi Avatar

    Ravindra ji…aap log apna common sense ko thoda use karo.. Congress/BJP mien bhi kuchh achhe log hote hein….when these good peoples are coming out and prove their transparency infront of AAP, then what's the problem including them? AAP is not a party, but a concept to clean Indian dirty politics!! Hope you understood. If not, let me know.

  43. Mr Unreasonable Avatar

    Prashob PS ..Thanks πŸ™‚

  44. Rohit Avatar

    Very Good Sarcasm. But one thing which i understood by going through the comments.
    People dont really get sarcasm and it was very strange for me. I guess our education does not includes sarcasm while teaching literature and the result is very bad. People are unable to understand such a beautiful sarcasm.
    Anyways good job Madhur.

    1. admin Avatar

      Thanks Rohit πŸ™‚
      Yes many people do not get Sarcasm, But I would not blame education completely for it. As someone pointed it out to me , there could be many reasons
      1. Some People just read the headlines and not the content
      2. Many readers may not be be comfortable with English language
      3. Cultural reasons: There are certain types of Sarcasm which many of us may not get in the first go. Plus sadly there ARE actual non sarcastic blogs/publications which speak in the similar tone πŸ˜›

      What bothers me a little though is that, seemingly very well educated people(IITs etc) who probably have been exposed to varied cultures and have a good command of language ,start abusing without even trying to understand. Worst part is that they do not even care to read the comments.

  45. Destination Infinity Avatar

    LOL. Frankly, I think that people deserve the Governments/Politicians they get. But there is a point where even they are fed up and the time is ripe for alternative systems – AAP, in our case.

    AAP has done pretty well coming up from nowhere. Let’s hope they will be successful in this elections and will not have to form any coalition with BJP or Congress in Delhi.

    Destination Infinity

  46. Amit Pathak Avatar
    Amit Pathak

    Fuck you idiot, things can change, its because of people like you only India is lagging behind. You are presenting an extreme pessimistic point of view which clearly explains you r mind horizon…which is clearly explained by your words-aisa hi hota hai aisa hee hoga…cant you see other nations running a successful government with development peace and progress, how can you say that aisa hee hota hai aur aisa hee hoga….if today India is behind then its only due to bad government officials taking decisions for their personal benefits rather than for the country for which they are given job…if this thing changes then definitely whole of India will become developed….if politicians become honest whole of system will be good because they hold the top positions…so at least try to give some contribution in bringing a positive change rather than putting stupid crap like this..

  47. Jaibir Sethi Avatar
    Jaibir Sethi

    why not give a chance to aap? maybe theres a change? just suport it once lets see what happens later in life . learn to give people chances

  48. Shailesh Khandelwal Avatar
    Shailesh Khandelwal

    Nimit Kaul Bhio….try googling the meaning of word "sarcasm" then comment here.

  49. Arushi Mehra Avatar
    Arushi Mehra

    Oh my god this is hilarious! Do people know nothing about sarcasm?

  50. Venkatesh Venkat Avatar

    stop ass…………..they have faith,love……wat about u

  51. Mr Unreasonable Avatar

    Arushi Mehra πŸ™ sadly many people are confused …But I don't blame all of them..shows their dedication to the cause..But yeaah..getting a lot of hate from ppl πŸ˜›

  52. Mr Unreasonable Avatar

    "Mere paas Ma hai"…
    ROFL..anyways "I have Sarcasm" …

  53. Mr Unreasonable Avatar

    "Mere paas Ma hai"…
    ROFL..anyways "I have Sarcasm" …

  54. Arshdeep Singh Aap Avatar
    Arshdeep Singh Aap

    Milind Singh try reading more about NOTA and how it works.. lol its equivalent to not going to vote..

  55. vinay Avatar

    Vote For APP….call on number for campaign from 9 AM to 9 PM. 7827227227
    to convince, Developed by our Team. Call on this number and talk to Delhi Voters.

    1. Janesh verma Avatar

      Arvind kejriwal ek baghoda hai aur chor hai.
      Isse apna ye sirf logo ko bewakuf banata hai.
      Cahye apna vote mat dene par is bagode ko vote deke apna vote karaf mat karna
      thank you.

  56. Ashoke Kumar Saha Avatar

    AAP must be given a chance at least as a test case. All have already been tested then why not for AAP?

  57. Sreenath Sukumaran Avatar
    Sreenath Sukumaran

    Jaspreet Singh ROFL …

  58. Amarjeet Mehto Avatar

    Then kindly tell me the party whomm shoud I vote??
    With your four reasons πŸ˜›
    Please !!!

  59. Vinu Pillai Avatar

    And now the 5th point which is more important. AAP is more transparent, open to discussions, have a reputation of having voice towards the voiceless with a clear agenda! But what is the use? It won't help if you sum up all 4 points. So advice to AAP members is to learn from our PM (MMS) that – silence is the best medicine to end (oops! earn) the corruption. Jai Hind!

  60. Priyankeshu Parihar Avatar

    intelligent way to put it! i feel the same!

  61. Anand Avatar

    5th reason

    Arvind Kejriwal used Anna like Patel used Gandhi. After freedom movement Gandhi wanted to dissolve Congress but Patel and others cheated Gandhi and continued Congress. In the same manner, Kejriwal used and cheated Anna by forming a political party. If you respect Gandhi and Anna, you should not vote for AAP.

  62. Anand Avatar

    6th reason

    Arvind Kejriwal is not a nationalist. The nationalists of the freedom movement gave Indian politicians the Kurta-Dhoti-Topi dress code. He does not even look like a politician in his rugged shirt-pant.He can’t fool Indian voters by defying Indian political traditions.

    Vote for Cong/BJP. So what they are corrupt, at least they respect the tradition.

    1. admin Avatar

      Brilliant…You get it πŸ˜€

      1. Anand Avatar

        All is well when the admin gets it. πŸ˜€
        Others, “Mentos khaao, dimag ki batti jalao” !

  63. Piyush Mittal Avatar
    Piyush Mittal

    it seems its written by congress or any other party…matlab kisi aur ko mauka hi mat do "Aisa hi hota hai, aisa ho hoga."..marwane ki aadat hai toh marwate raho…whosoever has written this post is the biggest asshole…

    1. admin Avatar

      OMG, you caught me buddy..you are SO SMART

  64. Subhadra Avatar

    People don’t get sarcasm these days, do they?

  65. sushil Avatar

    A prostitute is to get only fuck… but the thing is if someone says to her that he will marry her and give her a good life ahead.. then why should not a prostitute trust her or give him atleast a chance.. at the most what will happen she will be in the same position… no loss no gain… so its better to give a chance to AAP… Congress is in legislative and BJP is in MCD… both are highly corrupt and people are frustrated… we are nothing at stake.. give AAP a chance..

    1. Anand Avatar

      But prostitution is not legal in India and hence the Home Minister probing the issue!

  66. Saket Singh Avatar

    do not try to fool AAP is best

  67. Ambrish Nigam Avatar

    Jaspreet… I think u failed the understand what is written by author.. the objective of the article was to slap those who question AAP.. I think u r atleast a graduate.. so kindly apply ur mental skill and not ur reading skill..

  68. Anirban Chatterji Avatar

    Wow! i wonder where this author got such bright ideas. Extremely Foolish

  69. Anil Tanwar Avatar

    How could u miss the sarcasm written in bold letters?

  70. Namita Sawant Avatar

    Ur keeping a track of d parties from there…impressive chatty!
    Dey all might goons but his views are too presumptuous..

  71. Mandeep Gill Avatar

    The author is being sarcastic…no sane person would write such things about AAP πŸ™‚

  72. Mr Unreasonable Avatar

    Anil Tanwar ..I have been getting abusive messages from many people…I guess many people missed the point πŸ˜›

  73. Sourya Banerjee Avatar

    @Author- Brilliant work brother.!!! Made my day.. though most of the 'pseudo intellectuals' in the comments spoiled it a bit.!! -_- I do sympathize with you though…Sarcasm really doesnt have that effect if you have to go around explaining it.!! πŸ˜›

  74. Mr Unreasonable Avatar

    Mandeep Gill Thank you man πŸ™‚

  75. Namita Sawant Avatar

    If it were satire, Congress and BJP would be shown in a bttr light as compared to AAP..

  76. Kavya Reddy Avatar
    Kavya Reddy

    Because writing it without sarcasm is too mainstream. Who can give a better argument without the proof of contradiction! How couldnt you possibly see past the post, the sarcasm! Good one!

  77. Kavya Reddy Avatar
    Kavya Reddy

    Because writing it without sarcasm is too mainstream. Who can give a better argument without the proof of contradiction! How couldnt you possibly see past the post, the sarcasm! Good one!

  78. Namita Sawant Avatar

    I think every sane person should doubt question AAP's intentions…Anna hazare was d reason dese ppl got known to general public..and now he wants nothing to do wid dem…fishy..
    I still believe in AAP but I will scrutinize dem to d core.. πŸ™‚

  79. Mukund Kumar Avatar
    Mukund Kumar

    Bhai Senti ho gaya…Bt gd to see that people cant even hear sarcasm about AAP..

  80. Dewanand Mahto Avatar

    Mr Unreasonable tumse bada chutiya dalal ni hoga koi saale haramkhor

  81. Vinodstar Webseo Avatar

    Aise bahut sare chutia baithe hai website kholkar paisa kamane ki liye google se

  82. Mr Unreasonable Avatar

    hahah this is new..Anyways.So you are a AAP Supporter and If I am not wrong a reasonably logical man with some understanding of language? Am I correct?

  83. Mr Unreasonable Avatar

    Thanks man…I learned something today..
    Sarcasm cannot be taught ..and Sheldon Cooper is not the only one who does not get it…

  84. Mr Unreasonable Avatar

    Namita Sawant Awkward Moment when the author gets to hear "Oh that's not what you really meant"…

  85. Siddharth Sehgal Avatar

    Buddy, If you have wrote this article for PUBLICITY then it's amazing. Else I can sadly say we have lost that optimistic friend we once knew.

    I agree corruption can not be removed but 70k Crore Scam. CMON… Are we kidding or we are so Stupid that we continue to being F*****d by those 5th Fail.

    Think twice before what you are saying …. REST ITS ALL DEMOCRACY

  86. Vinodstar Webseo Avatar

    Mr Unreasonable A person who is unreasobale how could he/she correct ha ha and I m not supporter of anyone but I feel them what they had done do a fast for two day then u will feel what is ansan and what to do if governement is not listing you.

  87. Rajat Saxena Avatar

    i guess the only real reason not to vote for AAP is becuz congress adequately represents this country. Having an honest govt for mostly corrupt people would be unfair.

  88. Namita Sawant Avatar

    I thought u would be happy that I believe in AAP, Mr Unreasonable.. I found that the blog lacked facts…maybe you are just expressing your raw thoughts here..
    Although I would really like to read an article whr u show d contrasts clearly enough for people like me to understand that it is just a hobbyist sarcasm and not something factual like Arnab Goswami that I am used to..

  89. Namita Sawant Avatar

    That I can happily accept as sarcasm Rajat.. πŸ™‚

  90. Madhur Chadha Avatar
    Madhur Chadha

    you also? Dude read the other comments below….and the article again….

  91. Mr Unreasonable Avatar

    Vinodstar Webseo ..cool I could not really get what you said but I decipher the answer is yes..also i was asking about you and not telling about me…
    Nevertheless let me teach you a new word today , it's called "Sarcasm" , you may want to google it to get what I am saying.

  92. Krishnaraj Jayachandran Avatar
    Krishnaraj Jayachandran

    Ppl chill! This article is obviously sarcastic. Don't jump in and bash the author.

  93. Siddharth Sehgal Avatar

    Madhur Chadha I Agree with what you tried to say but it's INDIA and No One's thinks that much. Single Vote can change the dynamics and I don't want that to happen with your POST.

    Let's do give a chance to AAP. I can't vote but will make sure all my known one's Vote and Vote for AAP.


  94. Siddharth Sehgal Avatar

    Madhur Chadha I Agree with what you tried to say but it's INDIA and No One's thinks that much. Single Vote can change the dynamics and I don't want that to happen with your POST.

    Let's do give a chance to AAP. I can't vote but will make sure all my known one's Vote and Vote for AAP.


  95. Madhur Chadha Avatar
    Madhur Chadha

    Siddharth Sehgal Sarcasm Dude..Sarcasm…And that is what makes people think..You do realize that this post is Heavily PRO AAP and not anti ?

  96. Siddharth Sehgal Avatar

    Madhur Chadha YES BUDDY

  97. Siddharth Sehgal Avatar

    Madhur Chadha YES BUDDY

  98. Mr Unreasonable Avatar

    Namita Sawant I am happy..:)
    My comment was when It seemed you said that the author did not intend it to be sarcastic …NOM

  99. Mr Unreasonable Avatar

    Priyankeshu Parihar Oh yes..this is pretty interesting.,..Thanks for sharing πŸ™‚

  100. Amimul Ehsaan Avatar

    Who are you Mr. Madhur Chadha.
    You don't seem to be an educated person.
    Your every claim is based on assumptions and your own belief without ant commentary.
    You are not an optimist but a pessimist.
    In my opinion, you should spend some of ur time with ur family if u have one & fill some happiness in ur life. Only after that u should write anything which u post on a social network.
    Plz go and get a +ve thinking attitude.

    An optimistic fellow Indian

  101. Amimul Ehsaan Avatar

    Who are you Mr. Madhur Chadha.
    You don't seem to be an educated person.
    Your every claim is based on assumptions and your own belief without ant commentary.
    You are not an optimist but a pessimist.
    In my opinion, you should spend some of ur time with ur family if u have one & fill some happiness in ur life. Only after that u should write anything which u post on a social network.
    Plz go and get a +ve thinking attitude.

    An optimistic fellow Indian

  102. Amimul Ehsaan Avatar

    Good one Mr. Admin..
    At heights of Sarcasm…
    he he he…..
    This could be another way to change people's way of thinking.

  103. Mohan Negi Avatar
    Mohan Negi

    Author of the article is the biggest fool on this earth, perhaps DHARTI PAR BOJH.

  104. Sivamritha Nivedhidha Avatar
    Sivamritha Nivedhidha

    Unreasonable is a good name to choose πŸ™‚

  105. Sandeep Samal Avatar

    In my opinion you're a mental retard dear Author… First of all go and crack IIT then pass out from B.Tech Mechanical Engg., then crack UPSC civil service exam and then become an income tax officer then leave your job and assimilate with common man and finally fight a war against corruption… Then your uncouth mind and thoughts will get an abrupt change and you'll think like the way Kejariwal ji thinks for the people of our nation… It is because of people like you that India can never improve.

    If a woman is insecure in this country, then you should be blamed for it; because can't distinguish between rapists and saviours/ samaritans (AAP). So dear Mr. MC, an AAM AADMI of India is way better from you. Learn from them and change. Inspire to be an AAM AADMI and vote for AAP.

    You are openly invited to have a debate on this via fb chat. So see you there…..
    Like this page and vote for AAP.


    1. admin Avatar

      Ahh what a Lovely way to invite someone for a debate…you really have good manners and i assume extreeeeemly good education..
      Anyways I would suggest you talk to someone in AAP ..maybe they will understand and explain what Sarcasm means…seriously would be fun when you realize what the meaning of Sarcasm is πŸ˜€

  106. V. Hegde Avatar
    V. Hegde

    Sick – kular Author !!!! at the same time coward.

    How bull s**t is this guy! According to his 4th point, nobody can marry in india πŸ™‚ ( lack of experience before).

    Wasting time in reading such articles.

  107. Sandeep Samal Avatar

    dear author this post is spreading negativity among the INDIAN people.. Though this post has been sarcastically written but still most of the people are misusing it for spreading negativity about AAP party… So be reasonable before posting or putting some articles on web… I think now YOU GOT IT… :):P

  108. Mr Unreasonable Avatar

    was hoping to …but seems many people didn't get it πŸ˜›

  109. Sir Chasm Avatar
    Sir Chasm

    Sarcasm is like electricity, there are a few people who don’t get it.

  110. Paurush Bhatia Avatar

    Mr Unreasonable yeah..i am also confused y people r not getting d correct point out of your article..???!!!!
    God bless India

    1. admin Avatar

      No idea man…But I have learned something..Understanding Simple sarcasm is not related to your education/Age/exposure …It is evenly distributed

  111. Mr Unreasonable Avatar

    I think it is making people talk..which is important …and noone will really change their position based on this article..that would be just dumb…some faith left

  112. Mr Unreasonable Avatar

    Ahh what a Lovely Comment..You sir have the gift of language with you. You Sir are so well mannered that every kid in the world should learn from you sir….Do you write for movies?… Anyways…A new word "Sarcasm"…Now read the article again

  113. Saransh Ghiya Avatar
    Saransh Ghiya

    Any other Analyst at IBM who didn't get the SARCASM ? Lol

  114. Saransh Ghiya Avatar
    Saransh Ghiya

    Any other Analyst at IBM who didn't get the SARCASM ? Lol

  115. Joseph M. Pinto Avatar

    If there is one post that MUST receive FULL funding and sponsorship from BOTH the Congress and BJP — it is this post!!! Proof that u can make it by being “unreasonable”. πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™

    1. Del Avatar

      Seeing that a journalist also could not catch “SARCASM” Written in BOLD letters is disheartning ….
      I wish I am wrong…

  116. Apolitical Avatar

    Half of the people don’t get the sarcasm of the article. Explains why AAP doesn’t stand a chance. In spite of being an honest, educated and smart POV on Indian Politics.

    1. admin Avatar

      Well I do not think this could be taken as a sample of entire voter population. Accepted that many people did not get the sarcasm but again similar people would be part of BJP and Congress supporters as well.
      Though I do believe that blind faith without critical thinking is never good, even for AAP

  117. srini Avatar

    is it so difficult to u’stand the sarcasm in this article..man! i am so surprised!!

    1. admin Avatar

      Yeaa man…did not think , it would be so hard

  118. Vinay Kesharwani Avatar
    Vinay Kesharwani

    You just gave four reasons not to vote for AAP…I have thousand of reason to vote only for AAP!!!

    1. admin Avatar

      List them

  119. […] MrΒ Ishaan Mohan Bagga of IndianExponent contacted me to copy my article “4 reasons to not vote for Aam Aadmi party” The article was already going viral and perhaps he thought it may be a good fit for his […]

  120. indiaforclickseo Avatar

    Arvind Kejriwal was the most discussed Indian politician on social media platforms yesterday – Social Tracker 2014 from IBN LIVE and TO THE NEW – link http://goo.gl/uWBjUJ

  121. rahul Avatar

    Arvind kejriwal chutiya hai..

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