I send infrequent newsletters about tech , product, and poetry

Category: philosophy

  • Disagreeing Online- Should you engage?

    Disagreeing Online- Should you engage?

    Is there a point in trying to move an online discourse in Paul graham’s hierarchy of disagreement

  • A short note on developing skepticism

    A short note on developing skepticism

    It’s easy to be be a believer, it gives you sense of purpose, a sense of comfort, but if you really want to succeed, you need to be a bit of a skeptic.

  • On Sonu Nigam, Azaan , and Kabir

    On Sonu Nigam, Azaan , and Kabir

    Kankar pathar jod ke, Masjid laye banay Taa chadh mulla baang de, kya behra hua khudaey Loose translation: You collected pebbles and stones and made a masjid out of it. Then you got your priest to go on top of it and shout . Has God gone deaf?

  • YOLO – Ok , so what?

    YOLO – Ok , so what?

    YOLO :(You only Live once) a common phrase that precedes most stupid, idiotic and sometimes fun plans people have. People use it to justify doing anything that does not fit the traditional way of the world, for doing things that are unexpected of them, for breaking the “rule”, for nor having any “regrets”. But what regrets? Isn’t…

  • Writing is selfishness

    Writing is selfishness

    The cursor on my writing app blinks thinking I will have something to say . Appear ,disappear,appear ,disappear , once per second ever so patient ever so diligent ever to expectant. Why do we write anyways? Seems like a rhetorical question . Because we love to write? Or something else. Many people say that we…

  • Getting more clicks vs Solving a problem

    Getting more clicks vs Solving a problem

    “You won’t believe what X did” , “This actor just cheated on his wife, click to know the name” ,”5 ways to XYZ” But before you do that , think why? Content Virality sites can do much more , help obscure content, help spread of ideas and initiate conversations on uncomfortable topics or just be…

  • What is motivation

    What is motivation

    I have been wondering, what is motivation and how do you get it?. There are many theories and many ways people tend to describe it It is when you cannot sleep to achieve your goals It is when you do not mind stressing out for a better tomorrow or sometimes just because But then ,…

  • Mortality


    Sometimes, things happen that make you aware of your insignificance , impermanence the futility of it all. When you tend to question why it is the way it is, does the question even matter. How do we celebrate a life or mourn it’s demise , how do we define life or can we define it.…

  • 8 Days of wilderness-Post 2-Kolkata Airport

    Reached Kolkata at 12:00 , and my next transportation is at 8:oo PM(train to jalpaiguri)…8 hours to kill . Did not dare to leave the Airport . Surprisingly found this Internet Cafe with cubicles unfit for any normal sized human to fit in , at the airport. Killing 1 hour here , sipping overpriced coffee…

  • Never good enough

    There are points in your life when you have felt that you get more than you deserved or your success and credit you got was disproportionate of the amount of effort you put in. Maybe people are just exaggerating .