I send infrequent newsletters about tech , product, and poetry

Category: Inspirations

  • Growing Down

    This is a complete counterpoint of what you might think,because this is the way society teaches us but… Do kids focus on one task forever? Maybe they are telling us something. Its time to grow down a little. Stop trying to be good at one thing

  • Battle Won Not the war!!

    This is a Huge victory for India and Anna. But before we celebrate and down our defenses ,remember its just the begining Finally Government has relented and has agreed to issue a formal order to constitute a committee composed both of beauracracy and people from Civit society to draft the Lokpal bill.

  • Five ways to support Anna Hazare

    top 5 ways to support Anna

  • Why Anna Hazare’s Victory is so essential for us

    A 71 year old man named Anna Hazare has decided to fast unto death unless government rectifies and gives more teeth to a bill called Lokpal bill ,do we really care?? Why his winning is so important fot our generation

  • Lousy questions get lousier answers–the power of your freaking brain

    Its all about questions. Your mind is a great machine,it gives you want you want. Lousy questions will give lousy answers. Ask the right questions and see the power of your mind

  • Someday-Dreams aspirations and hope

    Someday–a narrative on Dreams desires and hope that we all have but hide,somewhere deep inside our hearts ,deep inside our memories. This is a time to dig it all out and bring it out in open

  • Types of optimistic People

    Types of optimism: So what type of an optimist are you?

  • Coast to Coast

    Starting my journey to cut out one item from my bucket list… A coast to Coast drive…. Starting this wednesday ,i along with 2 other guys will drive from boston to LA…3000 miles 12 states and 5days… Will be fun 🙂 Will keep you posted..:)

  • Age of Introverts- The future is different

    I believe the last generation belonged to the extroverts, the witty ones, the talkative ones, but the next one is for the introverts…the nerds…and the “out of sight out of mind” ones………

  • A Letter To ME from me

    stading on the mountains i climed… hearing the chains in my legs chime.. i try to listen to you… in silence i try to find a voice.. passing a bondage as a choice… i still try to listen to you.. i have all but nothing have i.. i feel claustrophobic in this limitless sky.. i…