I send infrequent newsletters about tech , product, and poetry

Author: indiaadmin

  • 50 Voices: Collaborative Voice Over Project

    Would like to be a part of a kickass experiment where 50 people all over the world will record one poem?Details at https://www.facebook.com/MrUnreasonable/

  • Fir Milenge

    Just saying the way it is, the way you feel and the way it is supposed to be said brings out the poetry in its purest form

  • iDiya: Give wings to your dreams

    Please pass on the message: last date for submitting a 2 page summary :30th september. iDiya:National Social Venture competition with 1.725 core of seed funding.

  • Round 1-Best Speaker Contest at Indian School Of Business

    What if the person on the other side of the mirror is not me? How will he look at the world here? What will be his reactions, his actions and what kind of personality he would have?If I were to also look at this person as a different person then how will I view him?

  • Open letter to Airtel–Thank you SO MUCH from a happy transformed customer

    I write this letter to complement and thank you for some exemplary customer service that you have rendered to me over the past few months.

  • A Grey World

    Everything today is looking so damn dull grey The black and the white no longer in the fray The green and the red fallen by the way The blue and the yellow no longer so mellow

  • Moon Lit night

    Clouds whisper to the moon, as he passes her tanned face, curtains her with white smoke, to rave themselves in a secret place, I, breathe in silence, peeping over the window sill

  • Being Bad is the best good

    When your conscience doesn’t kill, with you ,you can live on still. When you can walk over promises broken and you leave the inflicted wounds open

  • Waapsi–Shayari

    सरहद पर दिल के, आवाज़ हुई. फिर से जाने किसको देख लिया कि, खुद को लगने लगे हम, काफ़िर से.

  • Heart of gold

    Misty views of sun kissed foam Out here in the wilderness Froth and sand and surf all comb The darkness of her tress A beautiful poem written by my friend Kausambi [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOLNy1M313I]