Author: indiaadmin
Foundation And Earth -Isaac Asimov – Review
Foundation and Earth : The decision has been made but Trev ..oops Trevize is still not sure why he chose what he chose. Why did he chose Galaxia ?He is searching for an answer and for that he needs to find earth , not sure why but it seems right.
Foundation’s Edge – A brilliant followup to the Foundation Series- book review
The First Foundation thinks that the Second Foundation is wiped out . The Seldon plan is almost 100% on track, it’s too good to be true.An Epic Story from the Foundation Series
A cause worth taking up – Affordable sanitary pads #FreedomFromShame
Menstrual cycle is still a taboo topic for discussion in India. 50% of human race undergoes it , still we cannot even talk about it forget discussing about menstrual hygiene and various options available . To make matters worse , in many parts of India, a woman is considered “impure” during “un dino” (having her…
Marketing:Buying your own brandname keywords- A trick by HootSuite
I have always been intrigued with why a company would buy keywords for it’s own Brand Name, eg: If someone is searching for Maruti, you know they want a Maruti and as per me Maruti stands to gain nothing by buying the keyword “Maruti”. There are various explanations such as 1. Preventing Competition from buying…
Sometimes, things happen that make you aware of your insignificance , impermanence the futility of it all. When you tend to question why it is the way it is, does the question even matter. How do we celebrate a life or mourn it’s demise , how do we define life or can we define it.…
BJP: Subsidies are BAD, AAP is misguided
BJP: AAP gave subsidies, make no economic sense, hence Vote for BJP. BJP NEVER does that btw . A look at their manifestos. The problem with AAP is that it is delivering
Nostalgia – Ode to college life and friends (English)
Nostalgia English Since long have I waited for this day wondering what ahead of me lay I used to say,for 4 years I survived this then how come when its over something seems amiss A lot is left unsaid and unheard a lot of memories still unstirred who will now make my nick names who…
One of the most important works of Science Fiction- Foundation Series by Issac Asimov
Trying to imagine foundation as our future, we suddenly become aware that we also are someone’s future and our past is as forgotten , as misinterpreted and as lost in myths and fables like we might be.
Article 377 What is it all about? Explanation
There is currently a huge uproar over criminalisation of Gay sex by Supreme court of India. This post is an attempt to explain what exactly happened and what is article 377
One Million Magi- English Poem
I am the spirit of my times, anonymous and numberless, I am occupy, I am love Seeing the cheer of the festive season and the despairing faceless alleyways I am suddenly more than, more real than, more people than I ever have been And I hear the earth calling, the bodhisattvas of the earth calling,…