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Quarter Million farmer Suicides–

This post is a deviation from what I generally post, because I don’t understand completely whats going on. Yes we all read  in papers that some farmer committed suicide in some remote village but do we really know the scale of this problem?

Farmer suicides
Farmer suicides

We may call people who commit suicide weak or emotional wrecks but these are farmer and its not one or two..its 1000,s . Last year 16000 yes sixteen thousand farmers ended their lives.

In last 16 years more than 250,000 farmers have committed suicide

They are the backbone of any society and no they are NOT weak.They have seen the worst ,lead simple lives but still what is driving them to the edge

Yes its all monetary, debts and loans , but is our system so weak that we as a society cannot help them out.We are not going through recession or a famine or a War.

No I am not proposing any solution or telling you how you can help because I am as clueless as anyone can be. Yes i am also guilty of not knowing how grave the situation is.

Many people would say, why do we care but in this situation can we say that?I don’t think so.

There are so many programs going on from  low interest loans to job guarantee program but more needs to be done. Something needs to change and fast.

I have serious doubts on India Shining.

Does anyone have more information on this?







2 responses to “Quarter Million farmer Suicides–”

  1. Chirag Avatar

    That was a shocking fact!
    2.5 Lakhs is such a huge number..

    1. madhurchadha Avatar

      Yes chirag.
      Thats what i was also shocked about. I didnt know

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