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Tag: NGO

  • A cause worth taking up – Affordable sanitary pads #FreedomFromShame

    Menstrual cycle is still a taboo topic for discussion in India. 50% of human race undergoes it , still we cannot even talk about it forget discussing about menstrual hygiene  and various options available . To make matters worse , in many parts of India, a woman is considered “impure” during “un dino” (having her…

  • Top 5 reasons to volunteer for an NGO

    Top 5 reasons to volunteer for an NGO

    Should you volunteer to work with an NGO? A take on the uniqe takeaways from NGO sector.You gain much more by volunteering to work with an NGO than what you give back. It accelerates your personal growth and hones your leadership skills.

  • Managing Teams in NGOs–what doesn’t work..My Take

    Why many voluntary organizations fail ,why is it more difficult to sustain an NGO than a business. Most volunteers suffer from short changed conscience IE their conscience gets satisfied earlier than their potential . Some basic rules to follow—My Take