So there is a new fad of naming the top 10 books that come to your mind when you try to list the best books you have read. The idea is to not think much and just let the first instincts come up. I was nominated by Nitin Joshi ,So here is my List
I am not going to be a pretentious prick by starting with the likes of Ulysses ( i have not even tried reading that yet). I LOVED NCERT books , not the real content or “in syllabus” section , but the extra information they gave. I devoured the short biography section in physics and chemistry books . I read and re read them .Also loved the physics chapters not in syllabus , especially the ones on black holes and galaxies(sadly they were always out of course) . NCERT had only recently started adding these small FYI type sections just to keep the interest alive and I cannot thank the person who did this enough. I read it , more than my course.
2)Nandan and Champak:
Big fan, so much so that I actually submitted a story to Champak once, though it never got published. And to the same list add Chacha Choudhry , Nagraj and captain dhruv . 🙂
3)A Journey to the Center of the Earth
We used to have 1 library period every week(what a pity) when I started reading this book . I read it during that period and before going back , hid it behind some physics chemistry reference books which I knew not many people search, so that no one issues it .Took me a few months to finish this in parts.
4)Issac Asimov Foundation
This is like the ultimate series for any science fiction lover. I wrote a whole blog post dedicated to asimov’s books .
5)A Brief History of Time
+ A Briefer History of Time
+The Theory of Everything
Sorry to club them together but all three speak about the same concept . The laws of physics and universe explained in the simplest and elegant manner.If I had any say , I would make them compulsory reading in schools .GO BUY THEM even if you do not like physics. These are simply brilliant books
6)Public speaking books by Dale Carnegie
From the Art of public Speaking to How to Win Friends and Influence People
I have read them all. Trust me, they are good. These books have even been a great help
7)The Magic of Thinking Big
Yes, I have read Self help books in the past 😛 .And would be lying if I say , i didn’t like them.Many of them were pathetic, but this one just stood apart from the rest. Loved it
8)Pride and Prejudice (Penguin Classics)
YES I have read this and I actually like this . My sister got it as a prize when we were kids, at that age you read everything you can get your hands on. I have read it at least 4-5 times. Lovely book. Someone recently told me that I was the first guy she met who likes this book.Really? Any other guy who likes this book say Aye .
9)All Parts of The Ultimate Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
When we first got internet at home , I came across a txt file which had perhaps the most wonderful science fiction ,with dozes of comedy and laugh, I ever read.. I started reading it and within 4 days , finished it , only to realize a few years later that I had read the entire series on a CRT monitor.This is a MUST READ GO GO GO READ
10)The Fault in our Stars
A very recent addition to the list . Again a full blog on it
So here was the list of first 10 books that came to my mind. If I think more, perhaps I could add The Alchemist
or Angels and Demons or maybe Autobiography of a Yogi (Complete Edition with Free CD)
to the list , but then these are not the books that shaped me, the ones listed above did and many of them had a lasting impression on me. I believe the first books you pick up will always be the most impactful.
So who do I nominate?
I nominate Shashidhar Bhattaram, My ex Boss, Mentor and a very dear friend
Manan Puri: My Batchmate at ISB
All people on Mr Unreasonable page :). This is a good exercise guys. try it , and if you want , I can eve feature you on this blog . Awaiting your lists
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