Author: indiaadmin
Stopping Thinking in Tweets
I used to love twitter, maybe too much.Ps: Now I am on Threads One of the reasons was not just because it seemed like a great place for content consumption but also a great place for content publishing. You could express yourself in short tweets or tweet threads, you could get instant feedback, you could…
Twitter Blue and the credibility crisis
As some of you already know Twitter was perhaps my most favorite social media website. I loved using Twitter, and was, and still am very active (Though reducing) I was excited when musk said that he wanted to buy the platform, but looking at all his shenanigans from trying to walk out of the deal…
AI is our Generation Gap
You will feel old soon. Remember the generation gap you feel when you try to explain tech to your parent? Well #generativeAI will be our generation’s generation gap Eventually only a few of our generation will get the full potential.But our kids will be born in it, shaped by it Like computers took our parents generating by…
When an NGO becomes a Plagiarist -Help Us to Help the Child (H.U.H.C.)
About 1 year ago I saw an NGO(Help Us to Help the Child (H.U.H.C.) copying my blog article on their home page without permission or attribution . Since it was an NGO I decided to be patient . If they had shown the basic courtesy of asking for permission, I would have given it but since…
Who are we
Who are we , A speck of dust A thread of imagination Are we Gods, Gods of our own creation Which we created Created to build something greater Something to forget our mortality Something to become immortal Are we creations For amusement of the mighty or beings to fulfill a higher purpose purpose so high…
NGOs need to start looking out for technologists rather than just influencers
So what is the whole point of an NGO? Do something good? Fill the gaps where the government fails? Raise some issues of importance? In their zeal for achieving their objectives , most NGOs spend considerable time reaching out to people, people with great social circles, influence and possibly power. But here is a thought…
And the needle did not move : #OneHealthyLife part 3
The needle has not moved, not even an inch ,not even a cm. My weight still remains exactly as it was when I started this. 85.9 [contextly_sidebar id=”XzG0krt4Ex2c0ySMUrRJ3cKt2OK1owaj”]Went to get my weight and other vitals such as body fat etc checked,hoping to see some change. I I was hopeful, partly because I have been exercising…
Could Uber’s Surge Pricing become Uber’s failing
Uber cannot make a profit until it becomes a dominant player ,and it cannot become a dominant player until there are enough cheaper options available in the market and uber’s surge pricing might actually keep the cheaper options lingering in market longer.
Section 66A : What is the hoopla all about
Many of you might have woken up today with the news that the SC has deemed Section 66A of Indian IT Act as unconstitutional and struck it down. So what is this section 66A all about?